Over the past 4 years I have spent the majority of my efforts and time concentrated on educating my community and raising funds for Eastern Africa. I have seen first hand, that individuals can truly make a difference in this world. For summer 2010, I will be volunteering in Uganda bringing fresh water to village communities and aiding local schools. I hope that you will follow me on my journey to have a mind-expanding, life blowing experience.
For those who have made this trip Possible
Thank you, thank you, thank you. This blog is for YOU: to get a first hand look on how your donation(s) are making a difference and reshaping lives.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The glowing yellow-red globe slowly wanes in the sky, and begins to dip below The Pearl’s (Uganda) horizon.The sky turns pink, and clouds stretch as far as the distant sun, as if they are trying to touch its final beams of light.The land begins to grow dark, as the final light reveals an exquisite sight:black wings stretch through the air, creating a wave that swirls through the sky.
For as far as the eye can see, from the farthest reaches of the west and east, this never ending wave of moving spectacles mask the last light.If one could count, they would say that there are hundreds of thousands of these night-flyers escaping from their daytime home.
When the sun pounds its power on the Earth during the day, these creatures hide and hang from the limbs of the canopy in the deep MabiraForest, and as the sun weakens they make their escape.Thrusting into the air they reveal themselves from their hideout.They awake and can be seen only for a moment as the light says its final goodnight and slips behind the horizon.As the world falls into a deep sleep, they thrive, feed, and sweep violently though the thick warm dark night sky.
vampire or fruit?!?!? eeeeep! :-)