New Englander to New Traveler

Over the past 4 years I have spent the majority of my efforts and time concentrated on educating my community and raising funds for Eastern Africa. I have seen first hand, that individuals can truly make a difference in this world. For summer 2010, I will be volunteering in Uganda bringing fresh water to village communities and aiding local schools. I hope that you will follow me on my journey to have a mind-expanding, life blowing experience.

For those who have made this trip Possible

Thank you, thank you, thank you. This blog is for YOU: to get a first hand look on how your donation(s) are making a difference and reshaping lives.

A Well Deserved Thanks

Special Thanks
Jason Connell
Nicole Waicunas
Kevin Degnan
Paula and Norm Funk
The Willimantic Rotary Club and John Walker 

Volunteer Advisers and Coordinators 
Hannah Willow Gray
Davids Mutalya

Plymouth State University
Jess Morel
Kirk Mcdlelland
Jane Barry
Whitney Howarth
Babs LaJeunesse
Patrick Cate
Barbara Wirth
Leo Sandy
Ray Perkins
Krisan Evenson
The English Department 
Robin DeRosa
Mary Petz
Joe Mealey
Joe Monninger
Liz Ahl
Sureya Felch 
David McBride
Gene Fahey
Dick Hage
Tim Keefe 
Linda Wirth 
Jenn White
Terri Potter
Linda Corriveau 
Student Senate 

Ashford School
Peter Blume
Mark Phelps
Marty Hardisty
Jane Belair
Ms. Fortunato
Gay Leidi
Sherry York
Sue Hoffman 

E. O. Smith
Bruce Silva
Kayla Briggs
Marty Bissonnette
Chuck Leavins
Brandi Stenglein
Liz Moynihan
Jack White
Teki Omara-Otunnu

Nikki Benevento
Uncle Spike and Auntie M.J.
Auntie Didi and Uncle Vinny
Auntie Sherry
Brammy and Grampy
Auntie Chris and Uncle Mike
Uncle Steve and Auntie Liz
Uncle Danny and Auntie Mew

Friends (might as well be family!) 
Annie Gagne
Cliff Birtwell
Lindsay Harrington
Jess Babino
Jill Spring
Gregg Oberg
Eric Benn 
Katie Lozano
Luke Breidt
Ruth Birtwell
John Rettenmeier 
Sam Dybdahl
Anastasia DeFlumeri 
Aimee O'Neil 
Ron and Jane Cercena
Don Lapore
Joe Wall
Brittany Castle
Aleasa DeFilippo
Peter Olson
Scott Mather
Ali Zulick 
Angelo Fazzino
Carl Guzzardi
Robert Plankey
Karen Ricci
Nathanial Mills
The Donahue's
Michael and Joanne Williams
Roger Russell
Sue Benson